Here's the final tally for our very first exchange since moving over to this blog, a Needle Book Exchange.
We had some very pretty needle books sent and received, although we didn't all meet the mailing deadline of
2 November 2009 - and I do want to know how you feel about that.
Here's the list:
Amanda-received from-keljas-on-28-Sep-09
Amanda-sent to-Cole (Nicole)-on-17-Oct-09
April-received from-Aury-on-11-Nov-09
April-sent to-drea_dear (Andrea)-on-????
Audroné (Varle)-received from-Bonnie-on-07-Nov-09
Audroné (Varle)-sent to-keljas (Anita)-on-02-Nov-09
Aury-received from-Cindy C -on-23-Nov-09
Aury-sent to-April-on-02-Nov-09
Bonnie-received from-Fiona-on-11-Nov-09
Bonnie-sent to-Audrone-on-29-Oct-09
Cindy C-received from-riceandsoup (Jean A)-on-03-Nov-09
Cindy C-sent to-Aury-on-01-Nov-09
Cole (Nicole)-received from-Amanda-on-28-Oct-09
Cole (Nicole)-sent to-josieh-on-02-Nov-09
drea_dear (Andrea)-received from-April-on-07-Nov-09
drea_dear (Andrea)-sent to-Patti L-on-28-Oct-09
Fiona-received from-Jenna-on-02-Nov-09
Fiona-sent to-Bonnie-on-30-Oct-09
Jean A-received from-Karina (email from Jean 3 Dec)-on-03-Dec-09
Jean A-sent to-Cindy-on-01-Nov-09
Jenna-received from-lizrieka-on-11-Nov-09
Jenna-sent to-Fiona-on-07-Oct-09
josieh (Mary Jo)-received from-Cole-on-20-Nov-09
josieh (Mary Jo)-sent to-Lynn (sunnysmiles1951)-on-12-Oct-09
Karina-received from-Lynn (sunnysmiles)-on-10-Nov-09
Karina-sent to-Jean A (someone or riceandsoup)-on-09-Nov-09
keljas-received from-Audroné-on-06-Nov-09
keljas-sent to-Amanda-on-24-Sep-19
lizrieka-received from-Lynne-on-12-Nov-09
lizrieka-sent to-Jenna-on-02-Nov-09
Lynn (sunnysmiles1951 or Lynn in Mn)-received from-josieh (Mary Jo)-on-25-Oct-09
Lynn (sunnysmiles1951 or Lynn in Mn)-sent to-Karina-on-30-Oct-09
Lynne-received from-Monique-on-11-Nov-09
Lynne-sent to-lizriecka-on-02-Nov-09
Monique N-received from-Nita-on-02-Nov-09
Monique N-sent to-Lynne-on-06-Oct-09
Nita-received from-Xangels (Pokua)-on-26-Oct-09
Nita-sent to-Monique-on-21-Oct-09
Nita-sent to-reneexstitch-on-20-Jan-10
Patti L-received from-drea-dear-on-09-Nov-09
Patti L-sent to-Theresa-on-17-Nov-09
reneexstitch (Renee K)-received from-Nita-on-02-Feb-10
reneexstitch (Renee K)-sent to-Xangles (Pokua)-on-08-Nov-09
Rhea-received from-Ronel (sent 11-3-09) -on-???
Ronel-received from-stickhummel-on-30-Oct-09
Ronel-sent to-Rhea-on-03-Nov-09
SGVChicago (Sharon V)-received from-Theresa-on-10-Nov-09
SGVChicago (Sharon V)-sent to-Shebafudge-on-????
Shebafudge-received from-SGVChicago-on-10-Jan-10
Shebafudge-sent to-stickhummel-on-30-Oct-09
stickhummel - received from-Shebafudge-on-17-Nov-09
stickhummel -sent to-Ronel-on-15-Oct-09
Theresa-received from-Patti-on-29-Nov-09
Theresa-sent to-SGVChicago-on-30-Oct-09
Xangels (Pokua)-received from-Renee-on-11/21/2009 (noted on Pokua's blog)
Xangels (Pokua)-sent to-Nita-on-????
Please note that Rhea has been very ill, and in and out of the hospital, so my info for her is not complete.
I'll be removing the
Needle Book Sent and
Received gadgets from the left column today to make room for the newest exchange - the Altoid Tin Exchange.