Welcome to a secondary blog for the Tiny Treasures Exchangers. I do not want to replace TTE, only supplement it.
e-mail me all the following info so I can add you to this site:
Your User Name on TTE
Your Real Name
(Will not be public)Your E-Mail
(Will not be public)Your Blog (if you have one)
Your Mailing Address
(Will not be public)And I sincerely hope I can figure out how to do that! (I'm one of
those people - I figure something out only when I have to, and until then, I don't worry overmuch about it - LOL!)
If you look over to the right, you can see that I've added Our Blogs. Please contact me if I've left you off the list (I'm only Almost Perfect - lol!), made an error or any other problem with this list.
I hope this turns out to be helpful. And I can't wait to start the next exchange. Don't forget to vote
here. The Needlebook and Ornament are running neck and neck right now, with Stitcher's Choice a very close third.